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Welcome to Silveira Tech’s Brave Hearts Guidebook!

<aside> 💡 Stop the autopilot. When you look around, how do you connect with the world? Do you think humankind is evolving or in regression? What is your part in all of this? Are you searching and creating new models of life or still maintaining the system that doesn´t sustain us anymore?


One of our biggest values in SilveiraTech is to Think Globally & Develop Locally. This mindset gives space for each one of us to become a ChangeMaker. Everything that you will be learning with us can and should be replicated in other places on the Earth, adapting the tools needed to create an impact in your country, region, city, or neighborhood.

The heart of the regeneration movement is the pursuit of creating a new way of life, healing the ongoing story of separation - between humans and nature & humans and humans.

Our goal is not only growth but to thrive. That’s why we give so much importance to the community. Connecting and empowering people to create a systemic impact.

This is no regular Volunteer Program. We are creating a community of like-minded people who want to be part of the change and co-create a regenerative future with us.

If you got this far, we hope this guide can explain all the details you need to join our forces.

About the Program

Brave Heart Mission

Main Activities

Community Living

What to bring

What we provide

Explore Silveira

Mission & Roadmap

Our Culture

Environmental Challenges

Silveira’s Basecamp

Rules & Agreements


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